The Wellbeing working from home check list

What is a work/ study area?

A designated area which provides enough clear space for you to have a full range of movement and allows you to work without risk of strain or injury.

Consider these points when choosing an area to work in.

  • Lighting is adequate for the tasks being performed (i.e. easy to see and comfortable on the eyes)
  • Glare and reflection can be controlled
  • Ventilation and room temperature can be controlled, regardless of season (i.e. I feel comfortable with the room temperature and air flow)
  • There is no excessive noise affecting the work area
  • A non-smoking environment
  • The area of the work surface is adequate for the tasks to be performed (i.e. similar workspace to that your used to at the office)
  • There are no trip hazards (e.g. cabling, mats, clutter)

The ergonomics of the workstation

Setting up your workstation is the next task. Arranging your desk and chair to provide adequate support is crucial to reducing your risk of injury or strain. Remember you are responsible for this environment.


  • The most frequently used items are within easy reach from the seated position.
  • The telephone is within easy reach from your seated position. If you are using your mobile phone, consider using your headphones or a headset.
  • The seat height, seat tilt, angle and back rest are all adjustable
  • The chair has a 5-point base to ensure stability (does not slip or roll) on the floor
  • There is adequate lumbar support and padding
  • The chair height is adjusted so that feet are flat on the floor and knees are bent at right angles with thighs parallel to the floor
  • The seat back is adjusted to support the lumbar curve of the lower back
  • The seat pan tilt is adjusted so that hips and tops of thighs are at right angles or slightly greater. Having a slightly higher hip level may help reduce the strain on your lower back and make it easier to get up out of your chair.
  • Chair arms are not present or are low enough to easily clear the desk
  • The desk is at a suitable height
  • There is adequate leg room under the desk, and no clutter
  • A footrest is available if needed
  • A document holder is used if transcribing information from hard copy to computer or if referring to reference material for prolonged periods

Your computer

The best option would be to have a desk top computer as you would likely have at work. However, if that is not the case and, in the event, you need to use a laptop.

Use a laptop stand to raise the laptop screen so that it is at the same height as your eyes. Books work great as a stand
Have an external keyboard and mouse with the laptop

The keyboard is at a distance that allows you to relax your shoulders and have your elbows close to the body

Keyboard position is either flat or raised on an angle and in front of the screen

The mouse is placed directly next to the keyboard, either left or right and fits your hand comfortably. You should be able to move it easily from this position.

The mouse is also at the same level as the keyboard

The monitor height is adjusted so top of the screen is level with or at slightly lower height than eye level. The distance between yourself and the monitor is approx. an arm’s length.

A document holder is also helpful if you are transcribing information from hard copy to computer or if referring to reference material for prolonged periods.

Your posture

This is your responsibility. Maintaining a safe and sound posture is critical.

  • Wrists are kept straight and not supported on surface while typing
  • Sit back into your chair with your lower back supported. Use a lumbar support if needed.
  • Keep your elbows in when typing to help keep an upright position.

The Golden Rule

Most of us are not used to working from home. The environment is totally different.

Remember to take regular breaks, change the tasks to reduce repetitive strain, change positions, if you can, stand during some tasks and stretch.

If you need any help with all of this please contact us, we are here to help you get through this safely.